The Benefits of Using QR Codes in Packaging

The Benefits of Using QR Codes in Packaging

Using QR Codes in Packaging

QR codes, those patterned squares, are everywhere these days. But what are they? How do they work? And what are the practical benefits of including them on your packaging?

In this guide, we’ll look at a range of ideas for using them to benefit your customers and your business. 


What is a QR Code?

A QR code, or quick-response code, is a matrix barcode. Each QR code is made from a unique pattern of black and white squares, which can be “read” by a camera or scanner. Unlike a standard barcode, a QR code links to a webpage, which means they are as versatile and limitless as the internet itself!

QR codes are a bridge between two worlds connecting the real world with the digital one. A portal that can take your customer anywhere you like, to a website, a restaurant booking, a feedback form, or a virtual reality.

QR codes are democratic, they are free and easy to use. QR code generators are widely available so they can be used for everything from selling labradoodle puppies to reporting crimes!

They were invented in Japan, by the Denso Wave automotive company in 1994, which needed an effective way to keep track of car parts. Each box of bits had a unique code, for more accurate product tracking.

The scope of QR codes has grown since then, mainly thanks to the explosion of smartphone use. Today everyone effectively has a QR scanner in their pocket!

Mobile phones + QR codes = a fast and easy way to connect to people wherever they are. 

The use of QR codes also grew massively during the Covid pandemic. They reduced the need for contact with people or physical items that could harbour the virus. 



This is one of the reasons that the restaurant industry widely adopted their use. Orders could be buzzed straight through to the kitchen without physical menus or waitress ordering, and some places allowed diners to order remotely before they even set foot in the restaurant!

QR use has continued post-pandemic as restaurants enjoy the benefits of faster ordering and less staff, as well as easy feedback and customer loyalty schemes.

Outside the hospitality business, companies are getting creative, using QRs for everything from making payments to accessing product information to maps for a music festival.


QR codes have gone from being a rarity to a common sight. Most people now understand what they are and how to use them, so there all sorts of opportunities for businesses to benefit.

Benefits of Using a QR Code in Packaging

 QR codes are a great way to connect with your customers instantly. Including a QR code on your packaging means you can;

  • Simplify Re-ordering Link customers to a specific product page or your e-commerce site, and make it easier for customers to buy from you again.
  • Build Brand Loyalty: Set your business apart from your competitors with storytelling videos, interactive content, or your social media pages and increase customer engagement.
  • Data Collection and Analysis: Track where and when a product is scanned, plot customer behaviour and respond to changes in demand.  

 QR codes can bring all sorts of customer benefits too, they can provide;

  • Instant Information: QRs make it easy for customers to view detailed product information, instructions, tutorial videos, recipes and other useful information.
  • Easy Access to Customer Support: QR codes can provide direct access to customer service, allowing consumers to get help or leave feedback quickly.
  • Customer Experience: They are a great way to access offers, deals, loyalty programmes or useful web pages, adding value for customers.


How can a QR Code be utilised in the Packaging Industry? 

A QR code can easily be included within an existing label design and scaled up or down to suit your packaging. The standard size is 20mm x 20mm. The minimum size a QR code can be printed is 21 x 21 modules, or 10mm x 10mm. They can be much larger and have even been painted on the side of buildings and onto billboards.

Ingredient Information

It’s a legal requirement for ingredient and allergens to be printed on food packaging, but QR codes are a useful way to provide additional information. 

Product details, such as where the ingredients come from can help customers decide whether a product is right for them. Product tracing QR codes can be serialised, with a unique code given to each ingredient, or each batch.

Supply Chain Tracking

QR codes were invented to control stock, so it’s no surprise they’re ideal for tracking goods in transit. Supply chain traceability is essential for businesses and useful for consumers. Goods can be given specific QR codes, which can be scanned by drivers, warehouse staff or suppliers allowing them to be tracked in real-time.

Efficient supply chain tracking is useful for import and export when goods are crossing borders and time zones. 

QR codes make it easier to recall products. This can be vital if there has been a product safety or contamination issue. Shops and customers alike can quickly identify whether a product is safe (or not). 

QR codes are also ideal for tracking packaging over its life cycle. This is likely to become more important as environmental taxes, such as EPR come into force. There will be an increasing need for businesses to keep track of packaging and prove they have met the legal requirements for taxation and disposal. 

Stock Replenishment

One of the biggest benefits of using QRs on your packaging is removing barriers to purchase. Need to order more of the same stock? Just scan the QR code.

If it's fast and easy to order a product again directly customers are less likely to look elsewhere. It also allows businesses to upsell by showcasing other products and offering bulk order discounts or related products.

Using a re-stocking QR code on wholesale food products such as pastes, powders and flavourings, make it easy for caterers to re-order. Our square plastic buckets are a popular choice for food and beverage businesses and are suitable for IML printing too, making it easy to incorporate a QR code in the label design.

Interactive Content

QR codes are a great way to add value to your brand. They can provide useful information such as how-to-videos, recipes, tutorials and hints and tips on how to use your product.

Also because codes can be scanned before purchase, they can even help you sell to potential customers.

Why not take your ice-cream customers to the streets of Naples from the side of a Napoli container or under the sea from the top of a fish-food tub?



Registering Products

QR codes make it easy for customers to register a product for warranty. There’s no need to fill in paperwork or go to a website. A QR code means a customer can be directed straight to the warranty page that’s designed for that product. 

Removing the need for paperwork removes a significant barrier to sign-up. And once a customer has signed-up businesses can capture valuable customer data. It also provides marketing opportunities, from showcasing other products to encouraging sign-up to the newsletter. 

As well as registering products QR codes are an easy way for customers to create an account. This allows customers to track orders, view previous orders and can be a useful opportunity to build brand loyalty.

If you'd like to set up an Invopak account just head to our homepage.


Verify Product Authenticity

QR codes can verify product authenticity, helping customers to distinguish genuine items from fake products. Not only is this useful for designer clothing brands it can be also verify packaging has met quality control standards.

When there’s a wide range of compliance data QR codes can be a useful way to provide the details. They can link to a specific page that providing access to key documents such as; UN approval, food-grade or BRCGS certification.

All of our depots are grade AA BRC certified and our UN approved packaging is clearly code-stamped, find out more about our quality accreditations and certifications here.


Sustainability Footprint

QR codes are useful for providing customers with detailed information. This makes them ideal for displaying a company’s sustainability credentials. Because QR codes link to a webpage companies can include everything from an ESG policy to carbon footprint or information videos.

Click here to view Invopak’s sustainability pages.



Recycling rates are increasing, driven by government initiatives and a broader awareness of the environmental issues of packaging waste. However, there can still be confusion, particularly around plastic, about how and where it can be recycled. 

This is partly because there are so many different types of plastic, some of which can’t be recycled, as well as multi-component packaging which must be separated before recycling.

QR codes allow companies to offer step-by-step recycling instructions, giving customers the confidence to dispose of packaging correctly. 

Recycled plastic packaging helps businesses to use plastic packaging more responsibly. Invopak offer a wide range of PCR options from food grade jerry cans to recycled plastic bottles.


Supplier Information 

QR codes can bridge the gap between food producers, wholesalers, retailers and the person who gets to enjoy the final product! This can be particularly useful for the food and drink industry, where provenance matters. 

Ingredient-specific codes make it easy to trace a product back to the exact field or farm where the goods were produced. This is an effective way to build trust between food producers, chefs and customers. 

It also allows businesses to showcase other key information such as animal pedigree, welfare and location so that producers can charge a premium price for a premium product.

Customer Feedback

Customer feedback is like gold dust for businesses, and just as precious! Feedback helps you understand your customer’s needs and address pain points.

However, when asking customers for their time, if there’s any friction in the process responses will drop. Making it quick and easy to leave a review will give you better results. 

QR codes allow you to get answers from your customers fast, without paperwork or labour-intensive polls. They can be location-specific so a retail chain can discover which stores are performing well and which have issues so that problems can be targeted and addressed at source.

QR codes can also be product-specific. They allow you to ask customers what they think of a new flavour of crisps or chocolate bar, or find out what they think of your product or service.

See the latest feedback we’ve had from our customers here.


Utilise QR Codes in your Business 

The QR code has come a long way from its oily beginnings in a Japanese car factory to its position today as a universally recognised symbol of communication. 

Like many great inventions, the key to the QR code is simplicity. It costs nothing, is easy to use and the possibilities are endless, which makes it a great fit for business.

Whether you’re looking to;

  • Collect Customer Feedback
  • Build Brand Loyalty
  • Prompt Re-orders
  • Provide Instructions
  • Showcase your product
  • Prove Provenance  

Or any other real-to-virtual information transfer, a QR code could be the answer.

Discover More About Invopak 

Invopak is no stranger to the QR code. We’ve used them on everything from our Book of Involvement to brochures to calendars to promotional leaflets, helping our customers discover more about our goods and services.

If you’d like to harness the power of the QR code in your packaging design, Invo Design can help. For any other packaging-related queries check out our FAQs or contact us on Live Chat or