What do UN codes mean?

UN Approved Packaging Explained

  Character   Description
  Type of Packaging

 1 - Drums      2 - Barrels      3 - Jerry Cans         
 4 - Box          5 - Box           6 - Composite Packaging


 A - Steel            B - Aluminium          C - Natural Wood         
 D - Plywood      F - Reconstituted wood         

 G - Fibreboard        H - Plastic         L - Textile       
 M - Paper, Multiwall     

 N - Metal other than Steel or Aluminium       
 P - Glass, Porcelin or Stoneware   

  Category  1 - Closed Head            2 - Open Head
  Packaging Group  X - Groups I, II & III       Y - Groups II & III        Z - Groups III only
  Maximum Gross Mass
  or Specific Gravity


 Maximum Gross Mass - Solids or packaging that have inner packaging   must be marked with the maximum gross mass (weight) in kilograms.

 Specific Gravity - Stand alone packagings intended to
 contain liquids must be marked with the specific gravity rounded   down to the nearest decimal.

  Solids or Inner
 Solids - A upper case ‘S’ should follow the maximum gross
 Liquids - Liquids should reflect the hydrostatic test pressure in kPs  (kilopascals), rounded to the nearest 10kPs.
  Year of Manufacture  The last two digits of data indicate the year the packaging
 was manufactured.
  Location of Manufacture  Country where the item was manufactured.
  Manufacture Code  Code for UN certifying agency or manufacturer.


For more information regarding UN certification please contact the VCA

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