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Plastic Packaging Tax will increase to £223.69 per tonne from 1st April 2025.

Recycled Plastic containers are exempt from PPT and with this in mind, switching to recycled plastic containers could save you money.

Environmental taxes are on the rise, and one of the most significant for the UK packaging market is Plastic Packaging Tax (PPT). 

What is plastic packaging tax? 

Plastic packaging tax is a levy that must be paid on all plastic packaging manufactured or imported into the UK, which does not contain 30% or more recycled plastic.  

It was introduced on 1st April 2022 to help develop the market for recycled plastic thereby reducing plastic waste. 

Plastic tax increases in line with the Consumer Price Index (CPI) every year. From 1st April 2025, the levy will rise to £223.69 per tonne.

Find out more about PPT here.

Which products are exempt from plastic packaging tax? 

Plastic packaging tax is only levied on virgin plastic containers. Packaging made from at least 30% recycled polymer is plastic tax exempt.   

We automatically add the Plastic Packaging tax charge on applicable products at checkout, you'll see a breakdown of this in your basket.

To avoid this additional cost, you can choose recycled plastic containers, just take a look at the table below to see how much your business could save by switching. 

 MaterialProductSKUPlastic Tax CostTotal CostSaving per pallet by choosing PCR
PCR5L Grey Recycled Plastic PaintainerPCR01-01-115 £232.20£9.90
Virgin5L White Plastic PaintainerTIN01-01-168£9.90£242.10 
PCR3 Litre Recycled Plastic Grey Round Bucket with Plastic HandlePCR01-01-010 £592.20£25.37
Virgin3 Litre Plastic White Tamper Evident Bucket with Plastic HandlePPB01-01-013£25.37£617.57 
PCR5.6 Litre Recycled Plastic Grey Round Bucket with Plastic HandlePCR01-01-007 £720.00£40.80
Virgin5.6 Litre Plastic White Tamper Evident Bucket with Plastic HandlePPB01-01-024£40.80£760.80 
PCR11 Litre Recycled Plastic Grey Round Bucket with Plastic HandlePCR01-01-006 £570.00£81.46
Virgin11 Litre Plastic White Bucket with Plastic HandlePPB01-01-033£36.46£651.46 
PCR16 Litre Recycled Plastic Grey Round Bucket with Plastic HandlePCR01-01-008 £651.20£92.55
Virgin16 Litre Plastic White Tamper Evident Bucket with Plastic HandlePPB01-01-040£25.67£743.75 
PCR26 Litre Recycled Plastic Grey Round Bucket with Wire HandlePCR01-01-109 £327.68£74.35
Virgin26 Litre Plastic White Tamper Evident Bucket with Wire HandlePPB01-01-323£20.59£402.03 
PCR5 Litre Recycled Plastic White Jerry CanPCR01-01-009 £219.52£0.09
Virgin5 Litre Plastic Natural Jerrycan With 38mm Neck 135gHDJ01-01-078£13.53£219.61 
 5 Litre Recycled Plastic Natural Jerry Can with 38MM NeckPCR01-01-005 £206.08£13.53
 5 Litre Plastic Natural Jerrycan With 38mm Neck 135gHDJ01-01-078£13.53£219.61 
 10 Litre Natural Stackable Recycled Plastic Jerry CanPCR01-01-108 £286.00£74.13
 10 Litre Natural Stackable UN Approved Food Grade Plastic Jerry CanHDJ01-01-091£20.13£360.13 
PCR25 Litre Natural Stackable Recycled Plastic Jerry CanPCR01-01-125 £371.00£10.07
Virgin25 Litre Natural Stackable UN Approved Jerry Can 61mm NeckHDJ01-01-193£10.07£381.07 
PCR20 Litre Natural Stackable Recycled Plastic Jerry CanPCR01-01-124 £412.80£22.28
Virgin20 Litre Natural Stackable Jerry Can with 61mm Neck 830g UN ApprovedHDJ01-01-192£22.28£435.08 
PCR500ML Recycled Plastic White Cylindrical BottlePCR01-01-001 £725.76£278.76
Virgin500 ML Plastic Natural Cylindrical Bottle 28mm NeckHDA01-01-009£347.88£1,004.52 
PCR1 Litre Recycled Plastic White Cylindrical BottlePCR01-01-002 £322.56£107.62
Virgin1 Litre Plastic Natural Cylindrical Bottle 28mm NeckHDB01-01-012£15.46£430.18 
 30 Litre Recycled Plastic Blue Open Top Drum UN ApprovedPCR01-01-103 £636.60£24.16
 30 Litre Plastic Blue Open Top Drum UN ApprovedHDD01-01-007£21.16£660.76 
PCR120 Litre Recycled Plastic Blue Open Top Drum UN ApprovedPCR01-01-117 £350.70£43.00
Virgin120 Litre Plastic Blue Open Top Drum UN ApprovedHDD01-01-009£15.10£393.70 
PCR220 Litre Recycled Plastic Blue Open Top Drum UN ApprovedPCR01-01-104 £360.96£15.39
Virgin220 Litre Plastic Blue Open Top Drum UN ApprovedHDD01-01-010£15.39£376.35 
PCR220L Recycled Plastic Blue Keg UN Fitted OversealPCR01-01-105 £272.08£104.27
Virgin220 Litre Plastic Blue Open Top Drum UN ApprovedHDD01-01-010£15.39£376.35

Need food grade?

A selection of our 5L Jerrycans and 500ml to 1L bottles are co-extruded. Meaning that recycled material is sandwiched between virgin food grade plastic and therefore these products are made from 30%+ recycled plastic and are food grade.

Food grade recycled containers

Switch to Metal

The other option is to make a total switch from plastic. All metal packaging is exempt from PPT. Metal is recyclable forever, making it the most sustainable choice.

Discover more about metal packaging in our article here. 

 If you’d like to discuss recycled packaging options or if you need printed packaging, then please get in touch, our team of experts are here to help 

Switch to 11 Litre recycled bucket & save from £81.46 per pallet

Switch to 10 Litre recycled jerry can & save from £74.13 per pallet

Switch to 500 ML recycled bottle & save from £278.76 per pallet

Switch to 120 Litre recycled drums & save from £43.00 per pallet